Updates and fixes

It has been almost two weeks since the relaunch of our website. A lot of minor and some major bugs have been fixed. Here is an outline of issues that have been dealt with.

A character-set bug that wouldn't allow you to really change the charset is fixed. Along with that, a bug that displayed an empty text when you used a character outside expected ANSI range.

You can now change the character-set both from the header and the footer in all utilities that are charset sensitive.

In the ASCII Table utility you can now change the charset and see the official corresponding characters. Until now this utility behaved correctly only for charset ISO-8859-1.

The Quoted Printable convertor utility now uses CR LF characters for new lines instead of just LF. This is not a very significant change but it is in accordance to RFC 2045.

The Encoding Explorer utility has been rebuilt so that it shows you all results in one single page. Until now it used iframes with external calls. The new method works equally good with faster response times.

Most utilities are updated in order to show you related utilities. This can help you jump to a similar utility faster and easier.

Some minor visual modifications now show you the input boxes closer together. This may come handy to users with smaller screen resolutions.

These were the updates so far. We welcome you to contact us if you see something out of the ordinary. I personally want to thank those of you who already contacted us to explain issues you encountered. Your input has helped us and hundreds of daily users of this website.

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